Java interface default method
Java interface default method

An implementing class can override the default implementation provided by the interface.įor Java 8, the JDK collections have been extended and the forEach method is added to the entire collection (which work in conjunction with lambdas). In this section, we will learn what is the demand problem in Java and what is the solution to the diamond problem. Sometimes it is also known as the deadly diamond problem or deadly diamond of death. If each added method in an interface is defined with implementation, then no implementing class is affected. What is Diamond Problem in Java In Java, the diamond problem is related to multiple inheritance.

java interface default method

Therefore, default methods have introduced as a mechanism to extend interfaces in a backward-compatible way.ĭefault methods can be provided to an interface without affecting implementing classes as it includes an implementation.

java interface default method

Static Methods: The interfaces can have static methods as well which is similar. Modifying one interface in a JDK framework breaks all classes that extend the interface, which means that adding any new method could break millions of lines of code. Default methods are also known as defender methods or virtual extension methods. Reengineering an existing JDK framework is always very complex. Obj.newDefaultMethod() Why the Default Method? Default methods are non-abstract methods.

java interface default method

print “New default method add in interface” Java default methods are defined inside the interface and tagged with default keyword. The default methods are fully implemented methods in an interface, and they are declared by using the keyword default. OldInterfaceImpl obj = new oldInterfaceImpl ()

Java interface default method